Disclaimer: Please note that this is general advice for partition wall care, and responsibility for the maintenance of your partition wall lies with your installer.

As a trusted partition wall designer and supplier, we believe that well maintained partition walls can continue to serve your space for years to come. Therefore, it’s essential to know what the maintenance requirements are when you have partition walls installed; Komfort are here to help.

What are partition walls?

Partition walls are used to divide spaces in both residential and commercial settings. They are not usually load bearing, which means they don’t hold the weight of the ceiling, and can therefore be formed of materials such as wood, glass or plasterboard. In the case of Komfort’s Polar partitioning systems, they can also feature steel, veneer, fabric, dry wipe and antimicrobial finishes.

Where can you use partition walls?

Partition walls can be used to divide many room types in buildings such as offices, schools, warehouses, restaurants, libraries and hotels. They work to create different zones within a larger space, such as meeting rooms and break out areas. Acoustic partition walls are particularly useful for offices, to reduce noise and provide peaceful, quiet areas in which to work and collaborate.

Partition walls and the law

As with any major alterations to a space used by people, there are building regulations that must be adhered to, to ensure that the partition walls are installed and used safely. If you’re considering partition walls within your building, it’s essential to find a supplier that takes them as seriously as we do here at Komfort.

These building regulations refer to various aspects to consider in the design and build of partition walls, including fire safety, ventilation, access and structure.

What are the benefits of regular partition wall maintenance?

The two main benefits of regular partition wall maintenance are:


By ensuring that the components of your partition walls are standing the test of time, you can rest assured that all safety precautions have been taken – peace of mind for any employer or building owner.


A usable space makes the working day a lot easier, so partition walls that do what they should and are good to look at can make the office an all-round pleasant place to be.

What are some common issues with partition walls?

Bad soundproofing

Failing to invest in partitions that have been designed to reduce noise can negatively impact the function of your space, particularly within offices. Sound travels easily, but acoustic panels can create quiet, peaceful areas for meetings, breaks, or deep work.

Faulty door operation

Many partitions include door systems, and poor partition wall system maintenance can result in trouble opening and closing them. Not only is this pretty irritating, it’s also a huge fire safety risk.


If panels aren’t installed or maintained correctly, panels can become misaligned or drop, letting light and sound in, as well as affecting structural integrity.

Preventative partition wall system care

In order to ensure your partition wall systems continue to do their job, it’s wise to pay attention to the various aspects of them as part of their preventative maintenance.

Track and track fixings

Cleaning and lubricating any tracks or track fixings included in your partition wall system will ensure they continue to operate as you need them to throughout their lifetime.

Acoustic seals

When you’re relying on your partitioning for a quiet space, the health of the seals around the panels needs to be good too. Spotting seals in bad condition and repairing or replacing them helps keep the peace.

Frame work

Integral to your partition’s structure, and the safety of those that use the space, maintenance concerns on the framework of your partitioning system should be attended to quickly.

Moving mechanisms

Anything on your partition wall that is supposed to move, such as a door, should be free to do so at all times.

Your partition wall checklist

Annual maintenance of your partition wall, particularly if it features acoustic qualities, is recommended. Here’s what should be on your partition wall checklist:

  • Check and adjust all the panels, levelling if necessary
  • Check the condition, operation and safety of all jamb posts
  • Degrease any tracks
  • Check the condition and operation of all track support drop rods and anchor plates
  • Check the condition and operation of all supporting trolleys and carrier bolts, adjusting if necessary
  • Check the condition and security of any locking mechanisms and floor sockets
  • Check the condition and operation of the telescopic closure panel
  • Undertake a full health and safety inspection to ensure the system remains compliant with legislation

Any defects or repairs that are identified must be carried out quickly and by an experienced professional.

Why choose Komfort for your partition screens?

For 50 years now, Komfort have been transforming spaces for businesses around the UK, offering unrivalled expertise in a number of partitioning options, including our much-loved acoustic partitions. We’re best placed to offer trusted advice on making the most of your space and your budget, with a design-led approach that creates beautiful, modern results that sit alongside outstanding functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions

We recommend that all aspects of your partition walls are checked annually, with maintenance concerns attended to as soon as possible, no matter the time of year.

Dropped panels, stiff movement in parts such as doors, or misalignment of any kind are all signals for you to get in touch with a trusted partitioning contractor.

Partition walls, particularly those featuring glazing, should be cleaned with a non-abrasive cleaner that doesn’t affect the integrity of the walls, or the visibility through any glass.

We’re proud to offer a range of partition types here at Komfort. These include polar partitioning systems, which are frameless for a contemporary design, acoustic partitioning, which effectively keeps noise to a minimum, and our classic framed partitions.

Fire safety is paramount to us as we section off areas within your space. That’s why all of our partitions are fire rated, and we offer fire screens too. We’re more than happy to talk you through the fire safety credentials of the partitions you’re interested in, and what you need in terms of safety for your staff. We can also handle the supply of fire doors too, which are rated up to 90 minutes.

Partition walls don’t have to mean a darker space; all of our partition types have glazed options, allowing light to flow without compromise on your configuration.

The ability of our partitioning to keep sound in or out is one of the reasons so many of Komfort customers have chosen us. Our acoustic partitioning is available in a variety of ratings, from 40dB (Rw) up to Up to 54dB (Rw).

By chatting to you about what you need, we’ll be able to recommend the right rating for you.

Provided that any work is done by the appropriate contractor, you can of course reconfigure your partition walls to suit the changing needs of your commercial space; partition walls provide the ultimate flexibility.

Yes, partition walls work well as storage solutions in spaces such as offices; chat to us about the partition walls best suited to storage.

Love the light but don’t want visibility at all times? Frosted glass is available, but blinds can also be fitted to glazed partition walls, leaving you in charge.